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Allannah: Real CB Bride


Real CB Bride wears Laure de Sagazan Verlaine

Allannah visited us at one of Carte Blanche Bride's annual trunk shows in Sydney. Her bubbly and sweet nature was apparent as soon as she walked in the door. Allannah had been following the beautiful Laure de Sagazan brand online for some time. She something easy, beautiful and something in which she felt graceful. Allannah spotted the Verlaine gown in the first 5 minutes of her appointment.

Allannah selected her beautiful gown with a little deliberation and support from her gorgeous bridesmaids.

The stunning photos Allannah has shared with us truly communicate the special day she shared with her family and friends. We think she nailed her criteria. We wish you all the best Allannah, soak up that newly married bubble as long as you wish.

In her lovely e-mail sharing her wedding images, Allannah shared the below words. This is why I do what I do. xx

"Thanks so much. We just had the best day. Honestly couldn’t have asked for more. Thanks for your contribution to that."

"Thank you again for all your help and support. The dress was perfect for the day!

Select your own Laure de Sagazan wedding gown at our Melbourne Showroom or our next Trunk Show (Melbourne & Sydney).

Carte Blanche Bride takes care and pride in caring for our clients, you will have our support throughout your decision-making process and long after.

We can't wait for you to be our next Carte Blanche Bride!


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